Soft Landing in Mexico

We provide the legal support necessary for a company to successfully complete its installation process in Mexico. We have extensive experience in these types of processes, with dedicated and professional personnel, who have helped to smoothly install a large number of international companies in Mexico. Our assistance spans from the selection of the type of commercial enterprise to incorporate in Mexico based on the client’s legal and commercial interests, to support in the day to day operations of the companies in the country.

In Etchegaray Abogados we know the installation periods are vitally important for companies, which is why we prepare a detailed timeline of activities together with one common objective: the date of startup of operations.

Our services are developed with an experienced team of professionals helping the investor to get established in our country safely and efficiently, assisting in all stages of the investment / installation process, from the site selection to the startup of the business, ensuring that the company meets its goal on time and in proper form.

Among other things, we support our clients with the incorporation of the company, real estate and environmental due diligence of the site in the project involved, the drafting and negotiation of construction projects or any other related contracts, individual and collective labor agreements, obtaining work visas for expats, logistics and documentary coordination for the import of machinery and equipment, and in general any legal requirement the company needs that ensures its proper installation in our country.

Open your business in Mexico without travelling

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